
F & A
Freches & Associes

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Real Estate Law

Real Estate


Assistance in drafting and negotiating contracts related to the execution of real estate operations (delegated project management contract; building contract; project management contract; engineering contract; industrial equipment supply contract; subcontract; maintenance contract; etc.)

Audit of financial completion and payment guarantees

Audit and assistance in drafting preliminary contracts, sales agreements and sales contracts (sale in future state of completion (vente en l’état future d’achèvement – VEFA), sale of building to be renovated (vente d’immeuble à rénover – VIR)), real estate development contracts

Audit and assistance in the drafting of financial completion guarantees and delivery guarantees

Advice and litigation related to easements and servitudes

Advice and litigation related to division and dismemberment of property

Advice and litigation related to joint-ownership law

Assistance, audit and drafting of the statutes of free urban land associations (associations foncières urbaines libres – AFUL) and free trade union associations (associations syndicales libres – ASL)

Assistance, audit and drafting of building leases – emphyteutic leases (civil and administrative)


Commercial and Professional Leases


Assistance in drafting and negotiating contracts

Contracts audit

Advice and litigation related to lease renewal, rent setting, eviction compensation setting

Management and monitoring of expertise operations


Civil Leases


Advice and litigation related to residential leases (free sector; low-income housing sector (habitation à loyer modéré – HLM))

Drafting and negotiation of leases subject to common law on behalf of industrial operators