Environmental Law
Industrial Environment – Classified Facilities
Audit of authorisation application files subjected to ICPE legislation (installations classées pour la protection de l’environnement – classified facilities for the protection of the environment) and Water Law – monitoring of the procedures and relations with the administration and third parties
Advice on cessation of activity, remediation and post-operational operations
Assistance with industrial risks management (Seveso facilities, technological risk prevention plan (plan de prévention des risques technologiques – PPRT), pipelines, etc.) and pollution management
Analysis of environmental risks related to the acquisition or transfer of companies and real estate (due diligence), drafting and negotiation of liability guarantees
Administrative, judicial and criminal litigation
Polluted Sites and Soils
Recovery and redevelopment of industrial wasteland
Drafting of environmental clauses in deeds of assignment
Monitoring of expertise measures and litigation
Legal advice related to waste management: recovery and disposal, management of by-products, end-of-waste status, cross-border transfers
Assistance in the management of excavated land and construction waste
Waste management litigation
Real Estate Projects and Transport Infrastructures
Audit of projects’ legal framework according to procedures (declaration of public utility (déclaration d’utilité publique – DUP), public participation, environmental and urban planning authorisations) and environmental constraints (Natura 2000, protected species, land clearing, etc.)
Audit of environmental impact assessments and assistance in the preparation of regulatory files
Implementation of environmental compensation measures
Authorisations litigation
Nuclear law: advice and assistance on litigation related to the construction, operation, shut down and decommissioning of basic nuclear installations (installations nucléaires de base – INB), management of decommissioning charges, nuclear third party liability
Renewable energy: advice and assistance on litigation related to the construction and operation of energy production facilities, renewable energy support schemes
Thomas Garancher
Hugues Vignon
Nathalie Carré
Pascale Pessoa
Élise Taieb
Theophile Keïta
Laura Boucher
Industrial Environment – Classified Facilities
Polluted Sites and Soils
Real Estate Projects and Transport Infrastructures